Friday, April 18, 2014

YOUNGER by Harold Lancer, MD

“Younger” - what an inviting title!  In truth, wouldn’t all of us want to look and feel somewhat younger?  Admittedly, I opened this book with a bias of mistrust as I’ve read far too many tomes promising to rejuvenate skin.  I was in for a happy surprise because after a month of following Dr. Lancer’s advice I cannot claim to look younger but I do look decidedly better according to friends, family and mirror.

The good doctor’s suggestions made sense to me - all of them for this is a comprehensive highly readable volume covering not only skin but exercise, sleep, diet, and stress all of which will affect our skin.  I soon found myself crimping page corners to remind myself to do or try something, so “Younger” is a now a staple in our house.

In the event that you’ve not heard of Dr. Lancer he is a dermatologist with an office on Rodeo Drive IN Beverly Hills.  He’s the go-to guy for Hollywood elite with Oprah and Ellen Degeneres being among his major boosters.

A major focus for him is his “3-step Method” (Polish, Cleanse and Nourish), which he tells us will keep skin fresh, protected and hydrated.  He notes that a common mistake is to treat the dermis or layer beneath the surface of the skin.  He turns this mode of treatment around.

Yes,  Dr. Lancer does include a list of recommended skin care products for every budget.  That should be in caps because he is one of the few who recommends not only his line but others as well.  His recommendations allow us to provide outstanding home care rather than going to a pricey salon.  Another plus for him.

There’s much to be gleaned from the pages of “Younger,” and you don’t have to go to Beverly Hills to benefit from the results.

- Gail Cooke

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